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My works are visual manifestations of how I contextualize the world interwoven with the unearthing of overlooked histories within the African Diaspora.  The connection between  various mediums  such as installation, sculpture, and painting,  invite the viewer to travel in and out of positions of spectatorship and participants which mirror the viewer’s similar functionality within society.  Using the familiarity of materials such as mortar, house paint, deconstructed American flags, and handkerchiefs act as a gateway into the work where further exploration of the material and subject matter can unearth ontological significance .  These works oscillate between various moments within past and contemporary Black culture that resonate with me, either through personal or communal lived experiences stringing together a common thread of social context. Themes of water carry the emotional wounds of unwelcome change paralleling the transatlantic slave trade to the systems of marginalization exacerbated by hurricane Katrina’s forced exodus that simultaneously underscore persistent patterns of racial hierarchy.  Incorporating site-specific elements from New Orleans of earth and water,  physically connect me to the geographical location of New Orleans pointing to themes of home and place that seem to remain as a driving force within my work.

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